Choosing a craft show

Now that you have your new planner all ready to go, it is time to fill up those pages with shows you plan to do this year.  Here in Michigan, it is winter, and there are a few months after the holidays where there are not a lot of events being held.  This makes it a great time to plan out future shows that you want to repeat and new ones you have been looking at.

Assess what you are doing now…

Tracking your business is a must!    Knowing what you sold at each show will help you know what shows you want to repeat the next year.  Tracking the items you sell as well as your sales dollars, will help you to spot trends with items that sell better in certain areas or at specific times of the year.  My Craft Show Worksheet can help with that.

Shop Red Heart, America's Favorite Yarn

Assess other factors of the show such as organization and marketing.  Did the show fit your business and attract shoppers that like your items?  Where there outside influences such as a sporting event or the weather that affected your sales?  You need to take all of these things into consideration when deciding if a show is worth doing again.

It is all about homework…

Participating in shows you have not exhibited at before is all about the homework.  Services such as Festivalnet, Zapp, and Fairs and Festivals, provide searchable lists of shows in your area.  FaceBook is another great resource for information on shows in your area. I belong to several FaceBook groups where members can post upcoming shows as well as how they did at them.  These groups are a great resource for information on shows in your area.  

As I have mentioned before, I like to attend shows that I am interested in to get the feel of the show.  It is a great way to see if the show will work for my items. I also try to speak to a few crafters to get their perspective on the show. Keep a list of shows you are interested in for quick reference.

Related Post:  What Makes a Great Craft Show? 7 Things to Consider When You Pick a Show!

Confirm shows early…

Popular shows fill up quickly!  Apply for the ones you are interested in as soon as registration opens if possible.  Read the application requirements to be sure you are sending a complete application. Some requirements may include sending pictures of your work or including a payment.  You are not guaranteed a spot until you receive the Shows to choose fromconfirmation back from the organizers.

There are many advantages to getting all of your events confirmed early.  Beyond the obvious knowing where you are selling each week, you can market to your customers so they know where you are.  Other advantages include being able to plan for your inventory needs and be able to watch for sales on needed supplies to help increase your profits.  

Related post:  Ultimate Craft Show List: Selling Tools You Need

Effective planning helps you grow . . .

Identifying what shows you plan to do each year is a great start to your yearly business planning.  Add in your other sales opportunities such as online sales and you have a business plan that will help your business grow.  Now you can focus on the fun part, crafting!

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